產品開發設計 【Mold】 Product development design... more
多年精密鋅鋁合金壓鑄加工經驗,生産速度快,供貨周期短,全自動化生産模式,生產的產品廣泛用于衆多行業。 【Die Casting Machine】 Yea1 of experience i... more
去除毛邊,表面修整,達到客戶表面需求。 【polisher】 The bur1 are removed and the surface is finished to meet the c... more
加工尺寸精度高,交貨速度快。 【CNC lathe machining】 High dime1ional accuracy and fast delivery.... more
加工尺寸精度高,交貨速度快。 【CNC milling machine processing】 High dime1ional accuracy and fast delivery.... more
產品表面清洗,增加烤漆附著度。 【Vibration grinding】 The surface of the product is cleaned to increase the ad... more
檢驗客戶要求之精密尺寸。 【Coordinate Measuring Machine】 Verify the exact dime1io1 required by the custome... more